
Compacticons glyph theme for iOS. The original creator and all credit goes to tatosXL

I only ported the icons to be compatible with iOS theming, and modified/constructed a few icons.

This theme contains 450+ icons, and covers all stock apple icons, 3rd party applications, and a few games as well.

I have tested this using iThemer and Snowboard on iOS 13, so if there are any Apple icons missing for iOS 12, please let me know.

Important Note:

Any UI elements included (such as keyboard icons) can be themed based on the iOS version:

  • iOS 13 using iThemer, or Snowboard UI extension (whenever it's updated for iOS 13).
  • iOS 12, I believe iThemer and Snowboard UI extension both work, but I haven't tested on iOS 12.


Click to view screenshots


Version 1.1

  • +25 new icons
  • 2 badge themes

Version 1.0.1

  • Keyboard Globe and Mic Icons

Version 1.0

  • Release